Thursday, October 30, 2008

Picture Tag

Here are the rules:

Go into your picture files and post the 4th picture from the 4th folder onto your blog. Then tag 4 friends.

This is from our trip this last summer to see my grandpa in arizona. This is The Grand Canyon. It is absolutely incredible!!!

I tag everyone!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My ABC's

A= Age: 21
B= Bed size: Wonderful queen!!
C= Chore(s) you hate- Pretty much all!
D= Dessert you love: ice cream with a warm brownie to the side and hot fudge!!
E= Essential start your day item: A kiss from Shawn
F= Favorite actor(s): Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, George Clooney, Sean Connery, Mel Gibson.......the list goes on!
G= Gold or Silver: Silver
H= Height: 5' 4
I= Instruments you play: kind of the piano and recorder! That's right!! I said recorder!
J= Job title: Reservation Agent, wife.
K= Kitchen color(s): Nasty orange! (Not my choosing)
L= Living arrangements: Shawn and I in granny park's basement.
M= My name is: Amy
N= Nicknames: Amy Sue, Amy Sue Magoo, Mimi, Baby (Shawn and my grandpa's nickname)
O= Overnight hospital stay: Never! Hopefully won't until I have a baby!
P= Pets: None, we are not allowed :(
Q= Favorite quote: The gene pool could use a little chlorine
R= Right or left handed: Left-handed baby!
S= Siblings: 1 sister and 2 brothers
T= Time you woke up today: 7 am. Slept in and it felt GREAT!!
U= Unique about you: I can pop my knuckles in and out of joint.
V= Vegetable you love: Cucumber
W= Worst habit: Biting my nails
X= X-Rays you've had: teeth and both ankles.....oh yeah, and my elbow! But that story is for another day!
Y= Yummy food you make: Cheesy Chicken in a Blanket
Z= Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Now you know my ABC's ~ I want to know yours!

The 8's!!

8 TV shows I like to watch:

1. Scrubs
2. 3rd Rock from the Sun
3. The Mentalist
4. The Food Network
6. Biggest Loser
7. Dr. Phil
8. The News

8 things that happened yesterday:

1. Went to work
2. Talked with Cami
3. Went to my mom's
4. Talked with my mom
5. Put gas in my car
6. watched a movie
7. kissed my hubby
8. went to bed

8 favorite places to eat:

1. Olive Garden
2. Texas Roadhouse
3. Sizzler
4. Winger's
5. Home cookin'
6. Riley's
7. Village Inn
8. Michaelangelo's

8 things I am looking forward to:

1. My Mexican Cruise
2. Me and Cami's girls day!!
3. Halloween
4. Thanksgiving
5. Christmas
6. Seeing Shawn when he gets home
7. My feet finally getting warm
8. Giving Shawn a kiss when I see him

8 things on my wishlist:

1. I wish I was down in Mesquite right now
2. I wish we were in a house
3. I wish I had a million dollars
4. I wish it was Christmas
5. A new car
6. My cruise to come faster!!!
7. To someday go to Hawaii
8. To have a cricuit cutter.

Tag! You all are it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Snow already???

Can't believe we are already getting snow!! I am sure my sister-in-law Cami is laughing and so glad she lives in Mesquite about now! lol. Here are some pics of the snow!
Poor Shawn's car!!

Our grass covered in snow!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finally Something to Blog about!!!

Six weird and random things about me:
The rules are:
* Link to the person who tagged you (Camrin)
* Post the rules on your blog
* Write six random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself
* Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them
* Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog
* Let the tagger know when your entry is posted

1. I absolutely HATE when mothers sit in the back seat with the baby while the dad is in the front seat. It makes him look like a chaueffer!! They just look so stupid!!
2. I can pop my knuckles in and out of joint.
3. My new found hobby is knitting and I have almost finished a baby jacket, hat, and little booties!! (I will post a pic of them when i finish.)
4. I really worry sometimes I am not going to make a good mom.
5. I decided today my car really is a mom car.
6. I don't have as much time to scrapbook anymore and not enough room to either and it makes me sad!


The Park's

The Park's